Saturday, September 17, 2011


I'm trying out the new mobile blogger software on my iPhone. So far it's doing pretty well. I really like the autocorrect feature so far, though it has a notorious reputation as an agent of chaos in the realm of communication.

Nothing gets around the basic fact that typing on an iDevice is sub-optimal. I can type fairly fast when I get in a groove for it, but on the phone, I have to take twice as long to get the words out.

Maybe that's a good thing. It makes for less 'stream-of-conscious' style writing.

I've also been trying out ways to access my mac from somewhere else, for instance using my laptop to access the computer that has quickbooks, so I can post invoices from any room in the house, etc. And now I've used Teamviewer to control my main desktop from my phone. Difficult, but possible.

At this point, I can definitely see that 'portable' interfaces can be used to supplement desktop computing, but it is a far cry from replacing them.

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